Monday, December 5, 2011


     What a difference a week makes. I've had a complete 180 degree turn of attitude and emotion. I went from feeling extremely down and scared, to being completely lifted up. So why the change? It's just faith and perspective.
    I talked to someone last week and my last post come up in the subject. I asked her how she felt about the blog, she said for the most part she enjoyed it, but asked if she offer one small critique. Of course I accepted, after all I'm forcing my opinions on you all each and every post, I have to be ready for response. Being who this was, and this isn't a bad thing, I was expecting a grammar correction, or sentence structure or something along the lines. Thankfully that isn't what I got at all. She asked a simple question that did not get met with a simple answer. "Where is God?"
    I sat there and tried to come up with excuse after excuse and it actually took long enough that she thought she offended me and quickly apologized. It turns out that no matter what reason/excuse I could come up with, the ultimate reason that God wasn't in my writing is that God wasn't in my life. What a sad realization that was for me. This isn't a person I talk to everyday, as a matter of fact it had been quite a while, and within 10 min of talking to me, with reading 5 entries of what I wrote she could tell something was off.  So I looked into my heart and realized that I had turned against God. I wasn't denying him, but I certainly wasn't pursuing him. I was choosing other things, other people to lean on to get me through the trials, but if you have the Lord by your side what trials could possibly bring you down?
    There is a passage in the Bible about Moses crossing the desert with his people. Many of you know this story, some will not. Moses took his people, who is said to have been in excess of 600,000 fighting men, which means possibly over 2 million total, and was to cross the desert to Judah. God gave Moses a path to follow however they strayed from this path. People were stubborn, ignorant, disobedient and overall lacked faith. This trip could have been completed in a week, instead it took 40 years. All because people wanted to do things their own way.
    I'm tired of doing things my own way. I'm tired of taking on all the challenges set before me on my own. If God has planned a particular storm for me to go through, then who am I to question that?? I will lean on him, and he will lead me to where he wants me to be. I want to challenge all of you to look into your own lives. Are you on a 40 year path or a 1 week path?

This has pretty much gone away from a workout blog, mostly because I can't workout lol Update on the ear is there is no update. Still messed up. Doctor appointment is set for thursday so we shall see.

If  I've said something that has caught your attention, please talk to me about it. If you didn't know the above story, feel free to text or call or fb message or twitter me. Send me an email, a postcard, steal harry potters owl if you need to, just get with me and we can talk so much more

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week