Tuesday, January 22, 2013


             Heeeeellllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooo.   Anytime a post starts out with a Seinfeld mention, you know its gonna be gold, Jerry! OK enough of that. It's been a while since I've posted, over a year apparently. Over the last couple weeks I've had several people suggest I should begin writing again, so you can thank/scold them I suppose.
     I titled this "Revival" because that's exactly what I'm trying to do right now, revive myself. My body, my finances, my relationships, and most importantly my mind and soul. It seems like life kind of snuck up on me, and instead of sitting down, looking at the big picture and controlling it, it has controlled me. It's mean, it's rude, and I don't like it. Just kidding! but only kind of...  So I'm trying to take control. You get knocked down 10 times, you stand up 11, right? That's what I hear. Not getting into details about most things, but I do want to let everyone know how much I appreciate them. There has been very few people in my life that have absolutely snubbed me and pushed me away, even though there's been plenty I've done that to. So again, thank you. Enough of the mushy, let's talk goals. Again.... a year later.

     Surprise! I'm still fat. I'm ashamed , but not afraid, to say that I currently weigh 295 pounds. To put that into perspective, that's 40 more pounds than Lebron (allegedly), 20 less than shaq (with 10 less inches) and about where warren sapp finished his career I believe. Don't get me wrong, I don't look like Sapp. I carry it relatively well and people can't believe the weight when I tell them, but my knees and ankles assure them I'm not liar. I've tried to get it under control, but have been going at it with the wrong though process. I've always said to myself, you're pathetic. What happened to the 6 pack, 1 chin, jawbones....hair?! Well, let's face it, I'm not 16 anymore. While I would absolutely love to have all the above things again, I'm much more focused on my health now. With the advice and help of a friend, I started running today. It sucked. It's 29 degrees out, I'm a large person, and I haven't consistently ran in probably 6 years. All of this smacked me in the face quickly tonight. Guess what though, I finished it! While it was only 20 minutes, and only 1.54 miles, it was 20 minutes and 1.54 more miles than it was yesterday. It will be another 20 minutes tomorrow, and the next day and so on. I signed up for a 5k in march, and I ordered an xl tank top from amazon. As silly as that sounds, that date circled on my calender, and that shirt that looks ridiculous right now are motivators and as long as I see them, I will stay strong.

This post hasn't had much direction, as I didn't really intend to write tonight. I'll leave with this though. In the new Robin Hood movie, Russel Crowe makes a nice big speech that he ends with, we will rise and rise again, until lambs become lions. The last 5 years that phrase has stuck with me, and I intend to put it to heart. I don't know about you, but being a Lion sounds pretty dang cool. Ask Simba...

Special thanks to my family, Brian, Alex,Jenn, and Jack. You guys all keep me going and most of the time don't know about it.

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