Sunday, November 13, 2011

Failure. Hope. Perseverance

Ladies and Gentleman, children of all ages, and the millions reading around the world, (ok maybe like 10-15 of you), ARE YOU READY TO FAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL?
   Pretty stupid question right? Who actually asks themselves if they are ready to falter at what they are trying to attain. We do of course, every single day. It's human nature to doubt. It's human nature to fail. What is not human nature is to have the drive and tenacity to look at that failure, see what went wrong, and keep working so that you aren't in that position again.  
   I'm a large person. About 6'2 277 pounds, (thats right down another 3 baby!), so when I was laying down for sleep last night planning out the millions of things I plan to do today, after winning a million dollars on a scratch off I wanted to walk/jog/run/crawl if need be 5 miles total. I hate running. I would rather simulate all 22 saw movies and be the victim than to move my body 5 miles at any time. So this task was about as likely to happen as the million dollar scratch off. I went and saw a movie and when I got back, I decided I was not going to fail. I didn't care how long it took, how tired I was, I was getting my 5 miles. 1 hour and 11 minutes later, I did it. 5 miles in the beautiful mountains of Westfield, NC sucks. There is no flat land. I still overcame it, because I had faith in myself, and I knew I could persevere.
   No matter what we are going through in life, someone has done it before. They had two options, they could fail and become part of the millions that fail every day. Or they could work through it, show nothing can break you, and give hope to anyone and everyone watching. 
    Imagine if people just gave up everytime there was a problem. Alan, Stu, and Phil would have never found Doug, the right Doug not the black doug. Dancing would have never been restored in the Footloose movie.  Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan would never have ended up together in Sleepless in Seattle. Danny O'shea would have never beat Kevin O'shea in the race down Cherry Hill. Robin Hood, God forbid, would've never got Maid Marian and I would not have a favorite movie ever. And that's cartoon, don't come at me with the real stuff.  
   The point of my rambling is that there is always hope. You can fail 9 times out of 10. Who cares. We weren't meant to be perfect. Women screwed that up by not resisting to eat a fruit from a tree, so thanks for that guys. Next time you're stuck in a bind, next time you think you're in a situation that you can do nothing about because you are too limited or whatever the excuse that you are conjuring up is, just remember someone has been there. They've done it and you can to. 

I have a big day tomorrow. I'm taking my second to final step for the fire department entrance, hanging out with someone that's pretty cool during the day, then have a big workout at night. Any prayers that are said will be appreciated. If any of you guys set any goals after reading that blog, please share them! This should be a community setting, not just me babbling. I'm aware that some comments weren't able to be left, I'm sorry about that. I don't know what happened but hopefully it's fixed. If not, feel free to hit me up on facebook.

I took the weekend off for Cardio work, tomorrow is back to the Heavy stuff. Squats, Deadlifts, Bench, Good mornings, and more cardio! 2 lbs a week of weight loss while improving my numbers is the goal. Ultimately I'll stop the weight loss if its affecting my progress. 
Hope everyone has a good week. I will update my progress once again soon. 

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