Saturday, November 5, 2011

Goal Oriented

People ask me all the time what my goals are, 2 year, 5 year, 10 year. We've all had to write the papers in school, make up some stuff about in 10 years from now I want to be Batman at night and David Beckham during the day. My goal in life is the wake up every single day. I'm on a 23 year completion streak, 100%. That's better than Aaron Rodgers this year.  Of course I have things I want to accomplish, degree, career, wife and children. Right now though, my goal is to be happy and to live the life I should be. The others will come. When you start putting time restraints on things, you begin to rush. IT'S NEVER GOOD TO RUSH! Slow down, take a breath, and assess the situation. How many people run through museums? You see a whole lot more walking.
When it comes to lifting, take all that and just throw it as far away as you can. lifting has to be goal oriented. I have daily goals, monthly goals, and yearly goals. I'll post those today along with my work out. Thank you to everyone who read my first post and also commented. It's definitely appreciated. Feel free to comment here as well. I'll read it even if you tell me I'm an idiot and need structure in my life =)

Daily Goals-
Stick to the plan- This includes diet, rest and the lifts. This is especially true in the gym. You don't get magically stronger because the guy next to you is throwing up bigger weight.
Finish- This pertains to the weight room. Some days we get there and have the energy of a 3 year od boy at the park. The other 99% of the time we feel like we need to call a nursing home very soon to check in. No matter how you feel, finish. Unless safety is a concern. Don't get hurt. Which leads to...
Be smart- I've taken a good amount of time off, muscle memory works well but it's not a video game, doesn't just come back immediately. Train hard, but be smart.An extra set isn't worth a month layoff for injury

Short Term-
Lose weight- This is going to be extremely hard because I'm lifting for strength, but I'm not concerned with my overall number as much as how healthy I am. I've lost 15 pounds since Oct 15, so its a good start.
Gain stamina- I recently went hiking and almost died. Multiple times. Having tons of strength isn't good for anything if you can't do simple fun things.
Compete- It's been almost 6 years since my last tournament. I want to get in one, with no aspirations of winning, just to get the feel again. There's one in January that I'm looking at, that should be the one.

Long Term-
Happiness- This is going to come in so many different forms. Happiness with myself by getting into shape and improving my health, happiness with others by improving my attitude and outlook.
Success- I want to win a competition in the next 2 years. I'm about 300 total pounds away right now, so it's definitely attainable.

Before I post my workout, I'd just like to ask everyone to keep me in thoughts and prayer. Not many know this, only about 5-10 people outside of my family actually, but I'm trying to get into a recruit program with the Winston Salem Fire Department. I completed the physical abilities test last month and have a written portion a week from Monday. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time and haven't had the means. The Lord has presented an opportunity for me, I want to take advantage of it. I appreciate you all, and thank you.

Squats- 325 4 sets * 10 reps

Bench -
180*8   210*4  225*3  255*3  270*2  300

200*3  240*3  280*3  320*3  360*3

Follow that up with 3 minutes on stair climber at 60 steps a minute, a mile run and 10 laps at the pool.

I'll post an edit with results later of which lifts I hit, or exceeded.
Thanks for the read!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you joined the world of blogging. I think you'll find it beneficial - and it's entertaining for your audience as well. Good luck with your goals, and congratulations on that 23-year (and counting) completion, it's pretty impressive.
