Friday, November 11, 2011

There is a finish line

    I'm sorry I haven't been as active on the blog this week, been pretty tired and haven't even turned my computer on to be honest. Tonight seemed like a good time to write though so here I am.  I've had a pretty trying month, have thought a lot about things that I don't have and it's consumed me so much that I haven't taken time to stop and look around. I have a great family, my mom has taken me in and given me a place to stay when I haven't deserved it, I have great friends that offer love and support all the time. Thanksgiving is nearing us, a mere 13 days away now. I remember growing up we'd always have a lunch at the house with our family, then head to my grannys for a huge dinner with my whole family. As we all got older, people started working, getting in relationships that deterred them from being there, or just simply lost interest in the time we had. Growing older has certainly made me appreciate those around me and what they do for me so much more.
    Patience is something I am not good at. I'm like the brats from willy wonka, I want it and I want it now. Unfortunately that's not how the world works. I sometimes get so caught up in the world that I forget that I'm only 23. I expect myself to have this college degree and be into my career and be making all this money and that's just not the path the Lord has chosen for me. So instead I will work, and wait, and learn to appreciate the things that I earn.
   Of course this all translates into lifting, as much as I not so secretly try to slide in little threads of insight. The workouts are going OK. To me, that's a bad word. Equivalent to the words that used to induce child abuse by making me eat irish spring soap as a child -_-     I'm not getting to lift as often as I'd like. However, I did have two sessions this week in which I burned over 1000 calories. Add that to my diet, and 2 days took care of a good bit of my 7000 calorie a week deficit I am striving for. I'm down 12 pounds, and gaining strength which is great. Still a long way to go though. My alarm clock is going off at 8 am it seems tomorrow, and I have some 4 mile run planned, so if I don't write again, just assume my death.

Again, thank you all for reading. I appreciate you taking the 5 min out of your busy lives to read about my boring one. Hope I make you all feel better about yourself! haha  :)

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