Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pursuit of Happiness

"Happiness is acceptance."-Anonymous 

    No matter what your role in this world, your profession, your situation, the size of your family, the size of your wallet, everybody shares a common goal. You can go to work, go to school, go to an nfl arena but at the end of the day you just want to be happy. We are all stuck in the pursuit of happiness. However, like everything else we pursue, we have to know what happiness means to be able to achieve it. I asked what happiness meant to people I know. 
"Seeing my family happy and spending time with them is what truly makes me happy"
"Seeing the ones I love"
"All the little things put together make me happy"
"Happiness is the art of wanting what you have, not wanting to have something"
     Amazing answers, that's just a sample. I wanted to stop at that last one because it smacked me right in the face. HARD. We just had thanksgiving, and in my last post I mentioned enjoying what you have and not what you don't. I don't like change personally. Unfortunately in my life, like everyone else's, it seems like change can't find me quick enough. I try to do everything I can to help out people that I care about, people that I love. It's how I was raised. It's led me to heartbreak, financial stress, living completely out of my comfort zone. I rarely stop and think about what makes me happy. 
    It turns out nobody can make you as happy as you can make yourself. People come and go, money and material belongings come and go, the one thing you are stuck with every day of your life is yourself and if you aren't making yourself happy then nobody can. Is it a lot easier with someone else? Absolutely  Does it make everything feel better having someone to share with? You bet. Is life easier with plenty of money? I don't know the answer to that, may not ever, but I'm guessing yes. But you know what? When it comes down to it that person won't always be there, that wallet or credit card may not be in your back pocket. You have yourself and whatever you believe in. 
    I haven't been happy lately. I'm extremely unhappy tonight, which is why I guess I decided to write. It helps to write things down and be able to read how you feel. Too bad all of life can't just be written down. There's no workout scheduled for this post. No training update. I'm still sick, have about 40% hearing in my left ear and about 60% in my right ear. I haven't heard anything from the fire department which leads me to think I didn't advance. I lost something very important to me, and I'm extremely angry about it, even though I promised never to be like this again. So is happiness for everyone? I don't know. It takes a lot more for some people than others I guess. Happiness could be around the corner, could be a city over, it could be 3 hours away, or it could be right in front of you. You never know. What you do know is that it can always be inside of you. Just have to let it.

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